Thursday, April 26, 2018

Blog 9 - Katie McKay

I have to say that most of the shared “news stories” on Facebook always make me angry, especially when you follow the link and there isn’t an author listed (strike one), it’s posted on someone’s blog (strike two), or the website its hosted on isn’t really clear about what it stands for and has something weird listed in the About Us section or at the bottom of the site (strike three). Those are the big three I look for, but there are other less obvious tells that something is absolutely false. To research this article, I went where I hate to go… Family members Facebook pages filled with false “news” stories. I’ve had to block quite a few family members notifications, simply for my own future hypertension issues. I found this nugget posted:

“CDC Buried Study Showing Guns Are Used More Often For Protection Then Crime” the headline screams out. Well darn, that sure puts a dent into my argument in favor of common sense gun control measures. Following the link show that a Florida State University criminologist, Gary Kleck, released a new paper February 26th “exposing” (the author, AndrewBlake’s words. And no, there is no space between his first and last names) the CDC not publishing reports that most guns are used defensively, something Kleck has been arguing since the 1990s. However, if you try to follow the “report” Kleck released, you end up with an error page. Here’s the issue. Right at the bottom of this article, which says it was published two days ago, is an update that says “Kleck pulled his study over criticism that only 15 states were involved … [and that these states] only account for 27% of the population.”
Another big issue I take with this is the timing of the so called “study.” According to the article the CDC asked the question, “During the last 12 months, have you confronted another person with a firearm, even if you did not fire it, to protect yourself, your property, or someone else?" in the years from 1996 to 1998. Again, there is no citation for any of this information and if you perform a quick Google search, you can find that the Dickey Act was enacted in 1996 with the goal to remove funding from the CDC if they tried to research gun violence and its effects. Kleck claims that the CDC was doing national gun surveys about defensive gun use in the late 1990s, but that claim is problematic because:

1) there is no study to look at because it has been “buried” on purpose by the CDC (very convenient).

2) Kleck’s recent response paper has been removed due to criticism of his data and realization that such questions only covered 27% of the US population at that time (including no major US cities, when looking at the states listed).

3) The Dickey Law would make such research difficult to complete, and therefore less likely to occur. On a side note, former Congressman Dickey of Arkansas is now pushing to roll back his own legislation so the CDC can research gun violence and help explain why mass shooter events are occurring at such a rate in the US. 

4) A single question about a gun owner’s actions in a 12-month period does NOT equate to proving the author of the article (and the website it is hosted on) “right” in their assertion of a CDC cover up on “defensive gun use” research and data on the issue.

5) The article is posted on Blue Lives Matter, which has a very upsetting About Us. I feel this website has become very important to individuals defending police in relation to police brutality. This has become a national concern as more and more incidents pile up with proof of police officers acting in ways that are directly opposite their first-hand accounts based on video and audio evidence.

Taken directly from the Blue Lives Matter History section:

“On August 9, 2014, Ferguson PD Officer Darren Wilson was doing his job as he stopped Michael Brown, who had just committed a robbery of a local convenience store. Brown attacked Officer Wilson in an aggravated assault.

Officer Wilson was forced to defend his life by shooting Brown. In the months that followed, agitators spread outright lies and distortions of the truth about Officer Wilson and all police officers.
The media catered to movements such as Black Lives Matter, whose goal was the vilification of law enforcement. Criminals who rioted and victimized innocent citizens were further given legitimacy by the media as “protesters.”

6) Blue Lives Matter only has five staff members listed, including three writers for the whole site meaning there is a lack of differing viewpoint on the options and “facts” being reported.

7) The fact that people will not click on this article and spend the 15 minutes digging around but will take the headline at face value and share it on Facebook before verifying any of the information presented.

And this is why “news stories” on Facebook concern me so much. People do not take the time to verify the information but by the time it’s posted and shared 1000 times, it does not matter because that bullcrap is already out in the world and being touted as “true.”

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