Saturday, February 3, 2018

Post #2 - Svetlana Dragunova

Probably the most impressive and influential science part of my life (and I think, everyone's at this planet and even away from it) - communication. In last two centuries (a bit more) we changed our way of connection to others in so radical and rapid way that I can't imagine what we will see in next decades.

Far back in time we used fires, birds, sounds of drums or mirrors to connect to people, to warn about the danger or to send good news. But these were unpredictable way of communication - rain can stop the fire, bird can be eaten by a predator, it can be cloudy to have no light for mirrors or addressee could just miss the moment of the message. So information was distorted or just lost. Then people in mass learned how to write and read - letters were invented. But still it was a long wait for the message to be delivered (the speed of a horse or a ship). And again it can be read by a wrong person, it can be lost, it can be faked. So people continued their search for more advanced technologies.

When in the 18th century first telegraph was invented it changed the whole world. Now you could send the message nearly momentarily using wires. Transatlantic connection now became a routine. Wireless radiotelegraph invented in the end of 19th century even removed restrictions on wires. Now the whole world was connected. But still you needed people to transfer your messages.

With development of computers and digital technologies human became unnecessary unit of communication (except, probably, computer guys who keep the world network working). Now I can call my mother 4500 miles away and see her in a moment just using Skype and we can talk as long as we want (considering time difference, of course). There are no fires or birds, no letters on ship, no queues to use telegraph or phone. It is momentarily and convenient (but just couple decades ago it was impossible or extremely expensive). We can connect to the Voyagers, spacecrafts sent to explore other planets of Solar system and even interstellar space. They are so far away now that the whole our planet from that distance is nothing more than Pale Blue Dot (small reference to Carl Sagan). Who could imagine 300 years ago that we can do that?

Now modern ways of communication changed everything and everyone. The speed and rate of information exchange is enormous, it allows us to search, to study, to cure, to talk, to be connected even far away from each other. Science and technology brought us closer than we've ever been. What will come next?

1 comment:

  1. I feel like many people, myself included overlook communication and the way humans communicate when they think of scientific progress. I never take the time to consider what life would be like if we did not have these means to communicate with one another. It is crazy how much communication has progressed within the last few decades. I agree that the improvement of communication is truly impressive and important. We would not have a lot of the other sciences and technologies if we did not have these many different means of communication.


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