Thursday, April 26, 2018

Blog 8 - Katie McKay

While thinking about this post, I was of course reading it on my computer. While this post is open in one tab, I have another five open to various other sites. Two are open to Moodle, for my History of Medicine class as well as my Medical Anthropology course. Another two are open for Blog 9 and Blog 10 instructions… Because of course I’m writing these late, once again. Finally, I have one open to my work email. I have Microsoft Word open because I always type these first before copying and pasting it into a new blog post. And that’s not really that many things open all at once. I realize that with all these open tabs and programs, my attention is somewhat divided between various things. But I like to keep Moodle up because I can always click into the links I need when I need them. Honestly, I feel my laptop has shaped me the most out of all the technology I have encountered in my life. Sometimes I feel I would so much more productive if I didn’t have to use one. I have always had a hard time concentrating on school because I’m absolutely a procrastinator and will wait until the very last minute to start everything. This is why my laptop is so dangerous. I login, fully intending to start that paper or write that blog post but then I get sucked in scrolling through Facebook, or Buzzfeed, or any number of shopping websites, or looking at houses for sale in the Minneapolis, or looking up that random author I want to read more about or …. See, it’s a vicious cycle and I hate it but I cannot very well function without my laptop so I’m continuously in panic mode trying to finish something after I’ve spent two hours on the internet doing absolutely nothing. First world problems huh?

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