Saturday, March 31, 2018

Post #7 Hui Lin Zheng

As someone who nearly failed economics in high school and despises the subject, I've learned to appreciate it after reading "Economix". Goodwin is a genius by deciding to write about economics in comic book form. People love comics and using cartoons to describe economics makes it more light hearted, engaging and easily accessible. It's not only easy to understand what he's saying but he makes it a fun read by using loads of humor throughout the comic. It's clear what the significance of learning economics is and why we-consumers need to understand economics. I had always thought that it was not important for me to understand economics since I'm not interested in business. However Goodwin expalains that economics affects politics, worldwide relationships, and consumer/buyer relationships; so basically economics affects everyone! It can even explain why countries go to war. Everything is tied to economics. I enjoyed the brief history lesson in his book and it was shocking to find out that many of the bad decisions worldwide leaders have made was because of economics. People have used their knowledge of economics to taken advantage of others. Similarly people with a lack of understanding of economics have made bad decisions. Many people like myself never understood the complexity of the economy and have brushed it off as something we don't need to understand because the professionals will make good decisions. But that is not always true and if we want to look out for our own well being as well as that of others than we need to understand how our economy is run.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with what you are saying. I am also one of those people who really never enjoyed economics. I always found many aspects of it very interesting, but I never really understood its importance in our everyday lives. I believed that I didn't really need to worry about it because we have people who studied the subject and those people will be qualified to make decisions for us. But over the years I've come to realize that everyone should at least have some knowledge of economics. As you said, it is for our own well being. If everyone has an idea of what is going on, then they can have a say in how the economy is regulated and so on.


Final Blog

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