Thursday, April 12, 2018

Blog Post #8

When thinking about technology and how it has changed me there are many different things that come to mind. Like Robins example of facebook I am always thinking about what pictures I am taking and how I will add them to facebook. I don't post anything on facebook other then pictures normally. But my example that I wanted to talk about was the idea of Pinterest... for those of you who are on there .. you know how addicting it can be. Im not the one that spends all day on there making all my different boards daily.. I tend to use it when I am planning a party, or wanting to buy a new outfit, or looking to decorate a house or get new ideas for a future wedding. Whenever something new comes up like that I do tend to spend lots of time scrolling through Pinterest.

The thing about Pinterest that has shaped me the most is always wanted everything to turn out as perfect as it looks on Pinterest and again.. for those of you that have tried DIY things from Pinterest.. they don't always turn out how you want them too. Not only when doing DIY though.. just making a board for your future wedding or Future home has shaped me into wanted this amazing all out wedding and a huge modern farm house... not realistic .. I know. But Pinterest has its way. The thing about Pinterest, just like any other website. It knows what you were searching for and the things you have recently clicked on and has an algorithm that brings up similar things when you log back on or will send you notifications letting you it has found similar pins for you. It has me along with many of my friends trapped in trying to create this perfect life all from some Pinterest boards.

One quote that I think sums this all up is "What Screws us up most in life is the picture in our head of how its supposed to be." I think that Pinterest can give people the picture perfect house, wedding, graduation party, etc. but is it always realistic for people.. I think it tends to give people this picture perfect life and then people are disappointed with themselves when they don't end up living that certain life.


  1. Pinterest is my free time, my stress relief. My future house, wedding, outfits, hair, its all planned out on there. I too tend to spend a great deal of time scrolling Pinterest. It has it advantages such as inspiring ideas. It has it drawbacks such as creating an idea of perfection that no one can achieve. We create these perfect lives with the help of technology and we know we will never come to be that. My Pinterest seems to know me better than I know myself with their handy algorithm.

  2. Your quote at the end is very powerful. If you think about it, it's really sad that so many people are caught up in the envisioned "future" that they are unable to enjoy the present currently occurring around them. I've started to try and unplug for a certain amount of time a day and just sit quietly, usually trying to get close to nature. Hard to do when it's -15 outside, but well worth the clearing of the mind that occurs!


Final Blog

I am profoundly interested in the Cartesian split. I knew what it was pretty vaguely before this course, but did not fully understand it at ...