Thursday, April 26, 2018

Blog #10

So after reading Robins topic for this blog post I stopped to think and shortly after I thought of a conversation I had the other night at the dinner table with my parents. In my household my siblings and I use social media, we are not huge users that are constantly posting on everything but I would say we spend some time scrolling throughout the day. My dad is a has been in education and also does some public speaking for the state of Minnesota. We have this huge debate between our family that my dad is addicted to Social Media. Mainly it is twitter. This is what my blog post is going to be about.

The idea of twitter to teenagers I feel is a complete different idea then what many adults are now using it for. I want to take the approach that Twitter is a tool that many are using to better them self with. When we have family talks about twitter and my dad, he is always trying to explain to us how much he is able to learn from this platform. It is a tool that he is able to connect with soo many other educators/ principals from around the world. He is always doing chats where there is someone leading the chat and asking the questions and many other people are following along answering and learning from one another and all their ideas. Personally when he first got on twitter I was just shocked.. "What are you going to do one Twitter.." Now I think it is super cool what he has been able to do with it. He has almost 2,000 followers, has been able to learn from so many other people, connect and get to know others that have been able to travel to MN to speak to his staff and students, won lots of free educational books and items for his school, the list goes on and on.

Overall, I feel like there are a lot of people that twitter is changing for the better. I have got to hear many cool stories about how people are bettering them self. Many could look at the negatives that twitter and social media has caused on society but I think its like of cool to look at how it has changed it for the better. :)


  1. Twitter especially can help those in the media or communications word. People are able to grow their businesses or spread their name. In the marketing and political word, it is probably a huge benefit to have a social media. I see where people are addict or use it for the wrong reasons. However, good comes out of it as well.

  2. Twitter is unique in that people can share their quick and summarized thoughts, and it has the potential to reach thousands. I think our generation doesn't even realize how crazy it is that we read from hundreds of different people on a regular basis. It has never been easier ever in the history of time to just be heard. The power behind it is almost unlimited. I am so used to my elders constantly telling me how poisonous social media is, but in reality they have no idea what an amazing thing it is.


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