Thursday, April 26, 2018

Blog #9

This post really made me think because I know when i'm on social media I am constantly seeing false articles shared by friends of mine but for some reason I can't think of one that I wanted to dig more into. So I thought I would go a slightly different path but with the same concept. This past week I had to have surgery and maybe its just me but I feel like we all like to google our symptoms or try to self diagnosis our selfs with the help of google. As I have been going to the doctor and getting results back on tests I constantly have been looking up on google what they mean. While doing this for the past month it has absolutely blown my mind how many fake medical articles there are out there. I believe that for a normal citizen that hasn't had any medical training it could be very believable because in most situations they are not feeling very good and just want to know whats going on with them selfs. This leads them to believe whatever they lay their eyes on first. I think another big part of this issue is peoples capability to make sure the information they are reading is coming from a reliable source. This past month I have tried to only read things from advanced sources such as Mayo Clinic and American Cancer Society websites. If people are not informed on how to pick out reliable information.

I think the idea of false medical information on the website can be very dangerous for society but it works because sometimes people are very desperate to figure out what is wrong with them or those who cant afford to go to the doctor they have the ability to look up their symptoms to see if they can self treat them selfs. This is a very scary situation for people to be in.


  1. I agree, self treatment is becoming bolstered with false confidence because "Web MD said it was how to treat my symptoms." Also, it can support people with blatantly wrong medical views (i.e. vaccines are going to give your children autism or that antibiotics will do more harm than good because putting chemicals in your body is bad). This is dangerous, terrifying, and impossible to regulate. Ugh.

  2. Also people that believe the conspiracy that doctors are actually making you more sick so that you will keep coming back! Doctors are not chapstick companies!


Final Blog

I am profoundly interested in the Cartesian split. I knew what it was pretty vaguely before this course, but did not fully understand it at ...