Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Final Blog

The biggest take away from this class has been the solidification of knowledge I had already been aware of across multiple different topics. For Unit One, it was the introduction to philosophical thought and theory. I’ve taken philosophical courses before, but I feel like this was the first time I was able to connect with the very dense reading we were participating in because the class was not structured like a lecture and therefore the subject manner was explained in a way I could understand and apply to the various subjects we would go on to cover over the course of the semester. In Unit Two, I enjoyed reading Economix because I had never taken an Economics course before and had a vague knowledge of how our system worked but was able to better understand the complexities thanks to the book. I also liked reading the Omnivore’s Dilemma in Unit Three because too many people buy into the thought that Organic = good or non-GMO = safer & healthier. Obviously, this is a marketing strategy but it’s good to learn more information about where the food I consume comes from so I can better inform others as well thanks to the topics we covered. In Unit Four the various articles we read studied the negative sides of technology. While I grew up with the internet and see many of the positives associated with such technology, I think it’s also important to acknowledge the negatives. It is concerning how companies like Cambridge Analytica are able to easily obtain personal information of online users then use that information to produce political content related to user’s beliefs. This investigation into the 2016 presidential election is still ongoing and frankly a roller coaster of emotions. In the history of the United States, we’ve never had a sitting president threaten to fire the chief investigator of such a serious investigation. We’ve experienced many firsts (most of them negative) with this particular sitting president but I’m hoping the last “first” will be unanimous impeachment.

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Final Blog

I am profoundly interested in the Cartesian split. I knew what it was pretty vaguely before this course, but did not fully understand it at ...