Saturday, April 14, 2018

blog #8

Thinking to when I was growing up, if I wanted to know what was happening in the news I had to wait until the nightly news came on.  Now, I barely watch the news and am skeptical about everything said.  I think technology has changed how I view things or how I look into things.  I have the mass of the internet at my finger tips so why would I rely on TV news when I can browse 10 different media outlets at once and get the full story. 
This has changed my family dynamic as well.  Before we could all gather around the TV and watch the news, like we all gather in disbelief during 9-11.  But now our conversation starts with a "hey did you see that news article on twitter or Facebook?".  I think because of this fast passed media it has generated news that is premature and because of it I do not trust any news. 
Thinking about how this kind of technology has physically changed me, I believe it has saddened me.  At any moment I can look at news all over the world and in each moment you can see how completely fucked the world is.  Today I read an article titled 'Gang rape and murder of an 8-year old girl sparks outrage across India."  These kind of moments would not have happened 10-15 years ago because we didn't utilize the technology in that way.  Technology is supposed to be humanities saving grace, but hearing about the people that use it for evil makes it seem like our downfall. 

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