Saturday, April 28, 2018

Blog 10: Still Working

There are many reasons to complain against the internet. Cyberbullying, online stalking,  cat fishing, etc. are just some of the few to mention. However the internet is a tool, and like all tools, it can be used for good and bad. Unlike the one ring to rule them all (that's right, I went there), the internet does not turn all of its users into desperate, obsessive shells of their former selves. Some people might refer to it on occasion as "their precious" but as long as they don't hide in a cave and attack anyone who tries to steal their internet I think they're ok.  Honestly, I think it has made us more self reliant. There's so much information out there that we can learn to do a whole bunch of stuff on my own. For example, last week, the toilet in my apartment was constantly running water. No one knew what to do, so I looked it up on my own, followed the instructions that I found on a website, and was able to fix the problem. Easy peasy. Nowadays, we can solve any home or apartment issue just with a few clicks without calling for professionals. Although, this situation isn't just limited to home improvements. You want to learn how to moonwalk? Youtube it. You want to solve the Legendre equation? Look up a video on Kahn Academy. How bout you're in the mood to make a creme brûlée? Try some tasty Tasty Videos. See, the internet is full of so many tutorials that we can learn anything we want, from the obscure and esoteric to the trendy and essential.


  1. I definitely agree with you! I have become much more "independent" because of the internet. I'm not sure if independent is really the right word, because I'm not entirely on my own.. but youtube and other pages have helped guide me through problems in a much quicker fashion than if I didn't have them. In fact, my dad has decided to open our pool himself this year instead of hiring a pool company to come do it. Now I'm not sure how well this will actually go, but it just goes to show you that the internet allows us to perform tasks that you probably couldn't have done in the past.

  2. I did not realize how much I have grown as an individual until I googled how to solve a plumbing problem instead of calling my parents first. It is really easy to blame the internet for a lot of problems nowadays, but honestly I can't imagine trying to do college away from my family without being connected to a world of information.


Final Blog

I am profoundly interested in the Cartesian split. I knew what it was pretty vaguely before this course, but did not fully understand it at ...