Friday, March 30, 2018


For this blog post, I chose to focus on chapter 4. Zooming in, I particularly enjoyed the section talking about the great depression, and FDR's actions once he got into office. Firstly, I would like to say I give anybody who actually wants to be president of the united states credit. That just seems to be the hardest, most stressful, pressure filled occupation in the world and I don't think I would wish it on my worst enemy. People that high in the government have to deal with the biggest most complex problems that seem to be impossible to fix.
That being said, sometimes I listen to politicians and I have no idea what they are saying/ what anything means. I don't know if they are purposely using language that the average person (me) wont understand, or if what they are talking about is so complex that only experts on  the topic can actually understand the language. THEN I read the following box:
First, this was kind of nice/funny to read. Even the experts are acknowledge that some of the things politicians say just doesn't make any logical sense. Seeing it in a book solidified that huntch I had. There's such a diverse set of problems that you have to deal with as president, and it would be impossible for one person to be advanced in every subject. That is why presidents have a boatload of advisors, but maybe they weren't the smartest either. On the other hand, the country was falling apart and FDR needed to just do anything so it seemed like the government was trying to fix the situation.
Another thing I liked from the same section was the part they highlight about how hard some problems  are to fix. 

The solution to the problem is the problem. The problem and the solution are the same thing? I don't know. Its a paradox.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Susan. I appreciate the perspective you have here. I agree that is seems politicians today do things completely absurd. Yet, they still have many followers that continue to think they are some type of higher being that knows all. Politician or not - we are all humans. We make mistakes. Some make greater mistakes and are more reckless than others. However, that doesn't mean they audience per say has to succumb to their ideologies. I am the same way - lost when it comes to politicians discussing the great tragedies of our economy, however, these comics simplify it in a more readable/understandable way. Thanks for sharing!


Final Blog

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