Sunday, March 4, 2018

Blog Post #5; Caitlin Barth

Hair, Skin, and Nails

            Whether it is in pill form or gummy, Americans love their daily vitamins. From weight loss to luscious hair we seem to have found a vitamin for every need. And with that, Americans have become accustomed to popping various vitamins every day thanks to an effective market. Whether the vitamins actually work or are facilitating a placebo effect is not something I will be focusing on, but rather how the producers are able to get so many vitamins into the medicine cabinets of most American households. A fairly new vitamin for hair, skin, and nails that have become increasingly popular within the last few years is Nature's Bounty® Optimal Solutions® Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies. Most hair, skin, and nail supplements have the same ingredients - Vitamins C & E, a high dose of Biotin, Folic Acid, etc., but what sets apart Nature's Bounty® Optimal Solutions® Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies from the rest? Just take a peek at their marketing techniques. Shown below is a picture of their container.

It’s clearly marketed towards women – pink, aesthetically pleasing bottle, subtle hourglass shape, health & beauty. Additionally, they state, online at Walgreens, “Nature's Bounty® Optimal Solutions® Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies provides you with the vital nutrients your body needs to support your natural beauty from within”, which further plants the seed that this supplement is needed to feel beautiful. It harnesses the culture ideology of the perfect woman having long, luscious hair, stunning nail beds, and a perfect complexion. Furthermore, their commercial depicts the typical woman in the work place. To view, click here à In the commercial she suddenly becomes a model, but soon comes back to reality where she is put back in her “place” by the male figure in the work place. At $0.16/per gummy Nature's Bounty® Optimal Solutions® is able to become an effective competitor in the health & beauty division of gummy vitamins.

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