Sunday, February 4, 2018

Blog #2 - Alissa Carlson

Initially reading this assignment, I had to look for the definition of "techno-science" and for the life of me, I couldn't think of how it really affected me. But, it has most definitely had a long lasting affect on those around me. For as long as I can remember, I was always a social and active child. I have a younger sibling who was a little more shy and showed signs of isolation. A couple years ago, my small family experience tragedy as my parents decided to go separate ways and my mother found an addiction. I was more-so a child more equipped to handle situations like this, yet it was my first time. I was comforting but scared and interested but absent. With the saying "no two people are alike," I found myself in a better position than my younger brother. A more sensitive child, he was struggling with a battle in his mind with thoughts that I didn't understand.

This happened over a span of a year and as time went on he didn't seem to improve. After attending a court-ruled therapy session, my younger brother was diagnosed with depression and anxiety disorder. I wasn't necessarily expecting a diagnosis, but I wanted an answer. Living 20 feet from the entrance of his room to the entrance of mine, I felt that it was also my responsibility to know and understand what is going on in his brain and potentially help with the coping process. But doctors suggested these medications that would alter his brain chemistry so that he wouldn't have such thoughts. Was this going to help to the extent of what he was exclaiming was going on in his head? Was this really, truly, going to benefit him in the future? It took 3 months of medications and 2 months worth of therapy sessions for him to conclude that this was not the route for him.

In all, I think that techno-science has had an enormous impact on those around me, and potentially me in the future. I have experienced second-hand the effects of depression and anxiety on a person, and learned how to help those who are struggling, cope. I believe that it is important to diagnose those with evidence of an illness/disorder and that we create paths for success while suffering. The development of technologies to help diagnose and medications to help with symptoms has been substancial and incredibly beneficial.

1 comment:

  1. I too had to look up the definition of "techno-science" when I first heard the term. Since the semester started, I have had to pause in my readings or even during lecture and do a little research on what a particular subject or word meant. It has been an educational experience, but also a humbling one in terms of all the subjects I have never heard about before.

    I'm sorry your brother has struggled with this. As a child of divorce, I too have experienced something similar. Your prediction of this having an impact on you in the future as well is something I can see happening. I just hope these technologies and medications are used in positive ways, and not in ways that could harm.


Final Blog

I am profoundly interested in the Cartesian split. I knew what it was pretty vaguely before this course, but did not fully understand it at ...