Friday, May 4, 2018

It's the Final Blog Post

So it all ends here, huh? A whole semester has gone by and now it's time to roll back the footage and reminisce. Well, guess I'll do my part. Here's a topic that seems to have stuck with me: GMOs . GMOs have, and forever will be, a contentious topic. Granted my group and I did a case study on it but the reason why it stuck with me was because I never cared to pick a side. Everyone will keep arguing about it until conclusive, solid evidence backs up either side and at the moment GMOs have yet to prove that there are no long term side effects, so that will probably take a while to figure out. Therefore, it seemed kind of pointless. Still, I was never against GMOs because they seemed like a useful technology to have if there were ever food shortages in the future. Yet, it wasn't until class when a classmate pointed out that there are underdeveloped countries that are currently going through food shortages and nothing is being done to help them out. I had to scratch my head as I pondered that point because she was right. She also brought up another good point that food shortage isn't a problem, it's actually a lack of access to food that is the underlying issue. We waste food all the time so clearly there is a deficit in the food availability department because this is a broken system here.
However, there were cases where they did try to implement GMOs for the public, like the yellow rice incident. It was suppose to help the vitamin deficiency but in the end, protesters stormed the GMO facility and destroyed most of the crops. In this case, fear became the major opponent of a helpful solution. This seems to be a common theme among the debates with GMOs since anything to do with genetic tampering is seen as dangerous and unnatural. That's why GMOs made an impression on me because it all comes down to science and an innate fear of the unknown.

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Final Blog

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