Saturday, May 5, 2018

Brent Clanfield Final Blog

When I think of the past semester, the thing that intrigued me the most from this class is the idea that, basically, everything is more than it seems. Before this class, I took things for face value in many ways. The examples are endless. Benadryl is pink. I would never think anything of this. Of course it's pink! Why? Well...the main ingredient is pink? Chipotle is good for you because they have cute cartoon pigs and treat them well. YouTube Kids is, of course, kid friendly because they have the word "Kids" in the title!!

Now, I don't think I was a blind consumer before this class, but I certainly did not look as far into things as I do now. I think this is a healthy addition to my life. Why are they branding this product or this service this way? Probably to make money! Before I buy that "Fresh Organic NaturalⓇ™Ⓒ Apple" I might take a second look and realize that maybe this GMO apple from Turkey is actually the better AND cheaper option. Now, maybe this means I'll be more cynical, but I think this class has taught me that, in doses, cynicism is healthy. Not everything is all sunshine and rainbows. A healthy amount of analyzing is important. My group was also always trying to incorporate a more international perspective to what we were studying. This is also valuable I believe. The cartoon pigs in Chipotle commercials is, in the words of Joe, a first world problem in every way possible. Overall, I have learned that cultural studies is extremely important, and fascinating, even for a biology major.

I personally am planning to be a high school science teacher. For me, I think these methods of critical analysis will be very valuable. GMOs are a perfect example of this. They are filled with science, and are a hot topic. I look forward to walking through these sort of topics with my students in the future and teaching them to look at ALL sides of topics. Don't take what the label says for granted, and don't take what a random health magazine or blog tells you as the ultimate truth either. Don't simply make decisions for yourself, but make educated decisions for yourself. I think this class is filled with important take-aways that are useful for anyone, in any walk of life, and I look forward to carrying them with me throughout my life.

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Final Blog

I am profoundly interested in the Cartesian split. I knew what it was pretty vaguely before this course, but did not fully understand it at ...