Friday, May 4, 2018

blog 12

Over the course of this semester, I learned a lot about everything. It is sort of hard to pinpoint my favorite thing because most of the topics we discussed were presented in a quite interesting way.  If I had to pick a topic I think it would be food and drug advertisement. That is probably the most general thing, but just learning more about how advertisements reflect our culture (Or maybe our culture reflects advertisements) was super interesting. Sometimes I like to live in my ignorance and believe that whatever a commercial or ad is telling me is the actual truth. After this class, i have a hard time getting back to that point. The thing is i don't really miss my old mind set.

Commercials are forever ruined for me. But in a way, they are more fun to watch now then they were before. Poking holes in the advertisers' tactics is a way to keep my brain stimulated while watching my mind dulling shows. Basic analytical skills I learned in this class have the potential to save me thousands. I guess I am forever in y'alls debt.

I am already somewhat of a skeptic but now my skepticism is backed up with knowledge. That way, if anyone try to call me crazy i can just laugh them off because i know that I am just more intelligent. I am now more aware of the fact that everybody that is advertising has one ultimate goal: profiting.

Thats not to say that I don't realize some people are actually looking for drugs and foods to benefit the world. It would be pretty hard for me to forget that, I am a umn Cbs driven to discover student that is constantly surrounded by research.

Basically, I have struck the perfect balance and can live my life knowing I am making the supreme decisions when it comes to what I put in my body. You wont manipulate me to get my money!

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