Saturday, April 28, 2018

Hiding behind the screen

The first thing I thought of when thinking of how the internet changes people, is how people interact with and without the internet.  I remember a scene from Big Bang Theory when two people are on a date but both have trouble talking in person.  The solution was to be on a date and text.  The point is, people are more confident on the internet.  Any kind of forum on the internet will no doubt be filled threats, name calling and things of that nature.  People seem to find it easy to say things, they would otherwise never say, on the internet because there are no direct consequences.  The comment section on a post on facebook is the same way.  Everyone has become an expert with a simple google search and cannot wait to rub it into someones face on the internet.  I believe this change is horrible.  People become less adequate in normal human conversations and have to rely on the internet to communicate.  Worse yet, I think this behavior is extremely contagious.  One person insults another and it starts a never ending stream of insults thrown at people.  It is like one person sees this behavior and believes the only way to 'fight' back is to do the same.  Or even they feel like it is okay because everyone does it.  As a person, I find this behavior repulsive and do not understand it.  I think the solution to this problem is to ignore people.  Because I think many of these trolls do it just to get a rise out of people, so by fighting with insults people just fuel the fire.  I think as a society we should condemn this sort of behavior.


  1. I definitely understand how people are "hiding behind the screen" because I'm that kind of person. Of course, I'm trying not to insult people either in real or in digital world, but still I'd rather email or text someone than call him/her even if I know that he/she will be friendly with me and I will get only joy from that conversation. Behind the screen we have time to control our emotions, to formulate our point (not always wholeheartedly). And, of course, it is easier to insult someone when you don't see his/her face in of you. We feel invincible behind the screen, that nobody can get us. And this impunity opens the worst parts of our soul.

  2. I completely agree Ethan. When people are anonymous or even when they are just hiding behind their monitors not face-to-face with people, they have the tendency to be so much more nasty and know it all (ish). This leads to so much trouble because it can cause such a huge stir up of hate and formations of hate groups.

  3. I agree that ignoring the trollers, or h8ers haha, is the best way to deal with them. HOWEVER, I think that the ease with which people can argue on the internet is fantastic. No longer are conversations confined to the points of view of individuals in your near vicinity. Now you can receive points-of-view from people with completely different views, stances, and experiences. I think this is wonderful for society! Especially for science.


Final Blog

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