Saturday, April 21, 2018

Blog #9 - Hermans

This might be a bit controversial .. But I would argue that organized religions are pretty b.s. and are set up in ways that was meant to help certain groups but also used to marginalized communities throughout history. For example, patriarchal ideals, and homophobia perpetuated by religious ideals. Where the b.s. comes in is in the organized groups, like Catholicism. There are always problems when you involve a single group of people from the start to form a group in what you should believe in; mainly men claiming themselves to be prophets throughout time and whose ideals have been written in old books embraced by millions, but then also men later on picking and choosing what to believe in within that book and forming groups of millions who embrace that too. Without even having to go into what I think of it due to my knowledge of basic science, I think even people who are spiritual can agree that ideals of today’s religious organizations are not exactly true. After all, people aren’t perfect, right? And I think we can all agree that some of these religious ideals have lead to many terrible things being done to innocent people and continue to hinder those people today. (LGBTQ community, women). It’s crazy to me, but for a LOT of people, it makes up a huge part of their identity, and means quite a bit to them, most likely for a variety of reasons, but one thing that humans do is find a purpose in life. It can be hard to think of ourselves being alone in this world, and the thought of nothing but your rotting body after death it can be enough to make anyone depressed or hopeless. Which is why I think religions of different sorts became a reality for most cultures throughout history. It brings people together, it makes the world a little less dreary, and for a lot of people, it’s easier to believe there is a great Creator that made the universe and is guiding us, that it is to believe the work done by scientists that explained the Big Bang and billions of years of evolution.

1 comment:

  1. A comedian I like once said "why is Catholicism still a thing?! With such a history of sexual abuse you'd think people would have had enough!" -Ari Shaffir It is also crazy that people deny scientific facts so readily. I personally have no problem with very religious people, until they start denying science or raping boys, ya know just the basic stuff. I also believe that religion itself is not the real problem. I think The Church is to blame. They dictate how people go about their faith and marginalize it. It just seems very corrupted and I do not trust it.


Final Blog

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