Saturday, April 14, 2018

Blog #8 - Hermans

Thinking about this prompt, I can honestly say that I don't think social media has changed me much in terms of what the application really is, (posting online) it certainly has taken enough of my time to just surf the apps every once and a while, but what I do on there doesn't really "shape me". I feel like technology has really had the most effect on me since I went to college. I was actually homeschooled up until I went to the U, so I really didn't have much time to socialize. Contradictory to stereotypes, I did have quite a few friends, but I was never put in situations with hundreds of kids that I would have to interact with on a daily basis like the other kids my age. This hasn't really had a huge effect on me but it has made me very introverted. And throughout my entire college career, I haven't really made too many friends with people in my classes, because I would never speak up and just have my headphones in until the class started and left right after class ended. The reason I bring this up is because I believe technology has a lot to do with the situation. I am comfortable being alone, and I think it has a lot to do with technology. If I didn't have music on my phone, or a computer that I could do endless activities on, or video games that I could play, I think I would be a lot more lonely without friends and maybe I would be encouraged to talk to people in class before class starts. It's not something that I regret, I love technology because of it. I just think that it's interesting that technology often has a way of isolating you in the real world.

1 comment:

  1. I like your last sentence that technology has a way of isolating you from the world. Never has there been a time in human history where we can connect the world down to an app on our phone and it is interesting to think that someone may seem isolated from their direct surroundings yet they are so connected in other ways. I think because of technology the stereotype of home school kids not being able to socialize as well will decline because of how easy it is for kids to socialize on the internet. I Think that level of socialization is still something that is stigmatized and makes people feel a little uncomfortable, but hell it is only a matter of time before we are all talking to our internet friends from around the world.


Final Blog

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