Saturday, April 14, 2018

Blog 8--Callista Osley

One piece of technology that has literally shaped me is my Apple Watch. It was the first piece of technology I actually bought myself, which was really cool to me as a senior in high school, it made me feel grown up. I wear it every day. Honestly, there isn't really a point to the watch other than it helps me track my activity and it keeps my phone from buzzing every time I get a notification. Instead it buzzes on my wrist where its a bit more quieter. But, it definitely has helped me increase my daily activity. When it tells me to stand, you bet I'm getting up and moving around. I try to hit all 3 of my goals everyday because my watch always tells me "Good job, Callista! You did it!" and it makes me feel good. Why am I trying to please my Apple Watch? I don't know, but I do know I've become way more active since I got it. Or maybe my watch just makes me feel like I'm more active (marketing technique??). In that way, my watch has shaped my life. I try to be active everyday in order to close my rings. My watch tracks my heart rate and lets me know if there are any abnormalities. It warned me about the blizzard today. So basically, my watch rules my life but I'm fine with it.

1 comment:

  1. I thought the concept of the Apple watch was so cool! It was what everyone had seen in science fiction or spy movies forever, but I was surprised that when the Apple watch was released that it was not as much of a hit as people had expected. I wondered why this would have been, and then I just realized that it does everything that a cell phone does and everyone already had one of those. Fitbits seem like they have the fitness watch market covered, but it is still surprising that Apple was never able to get everyone to buy one like they did for iPhones. I love my Fitbit for the reasons that you love your Apple watch, but when you think about it this kind of technology surveillance is a little frightening. Overall though, it really is beneficial for tracking health and fitness, and is no more invasive than our cell phones that listen to us and recommend tailored ads!


Final Blog

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