Saturday, April 28, 2018

Blog #10 - Mohamed

Although there may be many negative sides to the internet, I believe that overall the benefits truly do outweigh any disadvantages. For one, the internet has helped us stay in touch with those closest to us, both domestically and internationally. I have an 8 year old sister and she Facetimes me every night. Being on the phone with her is one thing, but through the internet we are able to actually see each other and it makes all the difference. But this can also be done with family internationally, and this has helped many immigrants keep in contact with their family members. Between school, work, and other responsibilities, it is difficult to keep in touch with all of your friends and family members. But through social media you can quickly let them know that you're thinking about them by commenting on their picture or post, or even just tagging them in something.

The internet has also saved us a lot of time. This applies to pretty much every aspect of life. If you're shopping for something, literally anything, you can always use the internet to do your research. It doesn't matter if it's looking for a new car, a home, a new phone, or even just something simple like clothes. You can find everything you need to know about that object from a website. You don't need to get out of your home and drive for miles and listen to a salesperson. Some people would say that this makes us lazy, but I don't necessarily think that is true. In a way, it makes us clever. Instead of going out and listening to someone explain something to you, you're doing the research yourself. I used to work for Bestbuy and we would always have customers who came in saying "I read online that..." which means they can't be tricked. They know the price and they know enough about the product before they even come in to pick it up.

When the internet is used for all the right reasons, then there really are no disadvantages. For example, Twitter can cause a lot of unnecessary arguments. But this is only done by certain people. Others, like myself, use Twitter just to laugh! Everyone knows that those with the greatest sense of humor are always on Twitter. It's always my go to when I'm stressing out about anything. The same goes for Facebook. When it is used for its original purpose, to connect with family and friends, then there really is nothing to be worried about. The internet serves to make our lives easier, but we are the problem.


  1. I totally agree, Mohamed! It's so easy to get bogged down by the negative consequences of the internet and forget the good. While I think we should also not fail to recognize the truly negative sides, we totally do have the power to make the internet a more positive and uplifting space. In terms of being able to contact loved ones, I totally agree that we should appreciate the ability to do this more. Culturally, we can be really condescending about people texting and being on their phones too much, but we honestly have no idea what they're doing on them. For example, I have been able to text my best friends when they're going through a hard time, and vice versa. It's important to remember how we can and should use the internet for thinks that help us, make us closer to people, or make us laugh.

  2. I agree with all the points you've made Mohamed, and particularly with the one about video calling. My father often muses about how he never thought he'd be able to see people's faces over the phone. When he initially immigrated in the 90s, he would use absurdly priced calling cards just to speak with my grandmother and grandfather, but now, seeing them is as easy as clicking a button and done. So I certainly agree: the internet is a wonderful thing and is completely what you make of it.


Final Blog

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