Monday, January 29, 2018

Katrina takes on Dutton (Katarina Ruetten via Robin)

“The things that we call beautiful are all different.” This is a phrase that Dutton speaks in the first minute of his TED talk. When I think of beauty, I tend to picture concrete, feasible things such as beautiful people or beautiful places. For whatever reason, this phrase caused me to really think about the idea of beauty. We use beauty to explain more abstract things, such as actions or ideas. I never bothered to stop and think about just how far-reaching and diverse the idea of beauty is. The term can be used to describe just about anything, come to think of it. While this is cool, the idea that all the things in life we find beautiful are different makes me seriously question just exactly what how frequently I use the word. Dutton’s TED talk, while very insightful and interesting, kind of rattled me. I racked my brain for the amount of times I had used the word beautiful to describe something today alone.

This, I think translates to the bigger picture. Why do we do what we do? Why do we describe things the way that we do? This is something that makes us truly unique and is something I find that we keep coming back to in class and in the articles we read. To be quite frank, we really have no idea why we do anything and that is quite terrifying. Ultimately this TED talk makes me think about a neuroscience class I recently took. On the first day of the class, our professor stated that we have no idea how the brain works. For an instant, I was a bit mad that my major was requiring that I take a class in a topic where little is known, but thinking back now I can see that this is just something that is and we will probably not ever really know or understand ourselves, our motivations, or our purposes and that scares me.

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